Friday, April 30, 2010
hater question no.2
flush gordon

the high and mighty dick gordon made some headlines, claiming that he is not at all surprised by his numbers at the surveys, especially only a few days after he sued 2 survey firms for reasons i would hate to dwell upon. well, i guess that's just his way of saying that he wouldn't be surprised if his numbers are the same come election day.
image grabbed from here.
flying low
one cannot be a hater and a budget travel lover at the same time.
if you love to sleep early say around 9 or 10, here's the bad news: departure is usually past 11 pm; and eta, usually 2 to 4 am the next day depending on your destination.if you love having hot in-flight meals, more bad news: there's none, hot or cold is irrelevant.if you love stretching your legs while reading or dozing off, this is worse: these planes are designed for legless beings.if you love reclining as soon as takeoff, this is the worst: those seats are intended to give backaches and cramps to cost-cutting travelers.

there is every reason to develop some form of aversion to this pitiable way of seeing the world. but if you're up against personal economics, then you just have to swallow the fact that there is no room for haters on a budget aircraft.
time to go gaga

it seems the unstoppable lady gaga has conquered time as well. she's on the cover right beside bill clinton and in league with the likes of steve jobs in a story featuring the 100 most influential people in the world. i'm sorry to say this but this only underlines the fact that the world has indeed gone gaga.
Thursday, April 29, 2010

what hater will not soften a bit to a mother crying foul over all the dirt being thrown at her "poor son" unless that "poor son" happens to be manny villar. what, with the c-5 scandal and the pse exposé plus everything in between and now his poor mom being used in a last ditch effort to sway votes, mr. check is slowly but surely crossing himself out from a race he desperately wants to win.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
all hail mcqueen, in spite...

like how did models, trained as they were, manage to catwalk in them?

the great alexander mcqueen was a genius who had the gift of foresight. but if his armadillos are any indication of what tomorrow might bring, then present-day alarmists are probably right. the future, whether we like it or not, is simply not going to be livable.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
ghost candidate
picking on these pics
any artsy-fartsy soul, who didn't have a hand in making this film — 60000 pictures shot, 9600 prints developed, over 1800 pictures re-shot, no post production — must hate it. for obvious reasons, of course.
Monday, April 26, 2010
money, manny, money!
with but 13 days to the elections, life is teaching the filthy rich manuel "manny" villar an age-old lesson a great majority of the voting population has had no difficulty learning. oh yes, money — much less manny — can not buy everything.

now, no one should be surprised if he starts hating his petname and decides to drop it as soon as may 10 is over.
daily hate dose
kris aquino is reportedly taking a break from her teleserye to help her brother campaign. i think she should try helping primetime audiences as well by giving them a much-needed respite from bad acting. now, if you have this fear about your hater energy ebbing in the absence of daily stimulus from ms. aquino, have your fill during lunch instead. i bet the number one endorser of her kuya's fiercest rival wouldn't be such a bad replacement.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I H8 this~

if you can read the above text without any difficulty, it only means one thing—you're a jejemon. in case you're unaware, jejemons have been living amongst us ever since the advent of text messaging and have grown in scores with the rise of online social networking. jejemonism is a subculture all its own. while i wouldn't want to be accused of elitism, i have no great fondness for reading words in caps and lowers. neither am i into superfluous h's, z's and x's. in other words, i have no patience for this kind of bullsh*t. and that, my dear haters, is putting it mildly.
p.s. and before anybody points the finger at me for being a closet jejemon, let me direct you to this very "useful" site where they translate un-bastardized english and filipino phrases into pure unadulterated jejemon lingo. so puh-lease...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
red with envy

now, don't start hating the red shirts for ruining your bangkok shopping. why, we should all be jealous of our thai brothers. look at them — regaling the world with their ferocity and fearlessness. this was what we should have done back in 2005 at the height of hello garci. sure, we had the two edsas but look at us now — what we have here is an overstaying boarder in malacañang who is showing no signs whatsoever of any intentions of moving out.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
oh (bryan) boy!
i hate bryan boy. i hate the bright, bright yellow mulberry bag he got for free. i hate the super gorgeous feather zara coat he got for a song. i hate all the attention he got — still gets — from the international fashion world. in this case, hate = highest form of flattery.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
cover cover-up

so what's with all this photo retouching? don't you just hate it that for quite some time now we haven't really seen "real" girls on magazine covers? i mean, pretty girls are pretty-fied further only to be alienated from their god-given looks. and not-so-beautiful ones are manipulated to appear like the beauties that they never were and never will be only to look like they have gone to photoshop hell and back.
Monday, April 19, 2010
fashion overkill

there is something utterly pathetic about women who think they're so fashion-forward they wear too many trends in one go. they have delusions about having a special place in the upper echelons of the style strata when, in fact, they belong in the lowest rung, rightly reserved for fashion murderers cum victims who are way beyond redemption.
verdict: not worth-hating.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

if you're in extreme hate mode on a bloody sunday evening, turn to your tv set and indulge yourself some more with that humongous self-proclaimed mega celeb who is totally un-cute despite gargantuan efforts to achieve the contrary.
age: pushing past mid-40s. size: equivalent to 3 - 4 teenage girls combined. unsolicited advice: act your age. or, better yet, act your size.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
killing time

can you blame each and every single presidentiable if they start hating time now? the publishers put aquino on the cover while most of them, insignificant players, are not even spared a word in the inside story.
image grabbed from here.
Friday, April 16, 2010
tale of two ballers

mr. ampatuan jr. must hate these two np's in a major yet hush-hush way. he raises his hand with their ballers, he brings them down.
slip of the nip

in view of the recent nip slip brouhahas that stole the thunder from media-hungry politicians for days on end, there are not a few among the nip-crazed public who say:
what are these girls fussing about? a nip is just a nip is just a nip.
sure. but to all nip-loving haters out there, four words:
mind your own nips.
i know politics make strange bedfellows but this, by far to me, is the strangest.

hate. hate. hate.
youth-defying campaign
aging is a natural process that doesn't deserve its negative image. why, many women of a certain age can still do a lot of things, including a madonna.
and that's how sue sings it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
black mole
hate me if you must for this stupid generalization but i really, really have a hard time trusting big moled-people. specifically this li'l person with this oversized black thingy on her face who happens to be the most obnoxious president in philippine history. but then again, why do i have this feeling that i'm not alone?

photo grabbed from here.
LV is the acronym for trying hard
don't you just hate the LV-toting crowd? it's so... so—to borrow an oh-so-very 80s term—TH. (that's trying hard for the young ones who never knew cherie gil's now overused line.) and, mind you, it doesn't matter if it's a fake or not.
beauty vs. money
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