if you can read the above text without any difficulty, it only means one thing—you're a jejemon. in case you're unaware, jejemons have been living amongst us ever since the advent of text messaging and have grown in scores with the rise of online social networking. jejemonism is a subculture all its own. while i wouldn't want to be accused of elitism, i have no great fondness for reading words in caps and lowers. neither am i into superfluous h's, z's and x's. in other words, i have no patience for this kind of bullsh*t. and that, my dear haters, is putting it mildly.
p.s. and before anybody points the finger at me for being a closet jejemon, let me direct you to this very "useful" site where they translate un-bastardized english and filipino phrases into pure unadulterated jejemon lingo. so puh-lease...
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